

Ho una relazione epistolare con una eco-estremista, G come me. Ci scriviamo ogni tanto:

Il giorno 28/mar/08, alle ore 01:17, G ha scritto:

UN Pachauri urges caution in biofuel use

Brussels, March 26 Reuters

Controversy has grown over using food crops to make biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels
The world must take care when developing biofuels to avoid perverse environmental effects and higher food prices, Nobel Peace Prize winner and climate change scientist Rajendra Pachauri said on Wednesday.
Speaking at the European Parliament, he questioned whether the United States' policy of converting corn (maize) into ethanol for use as a transport fuel would reduce the emission of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.
Controversy has grown over using food crops to make biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels. Some environmentalists and politicians say it has raised food prices, distorted government budgets and led to deforestation in southeast Asia and Brazil.
"We should be very, very careful about coming up with biofuel solutions that have major impact on production of food grains and may have an implication for overall food security," Pachauri, chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, told a news conference.
"Questions do arise about what is being done in North America, for instance to convert corn into sugar then into biofuels, into ethanol," he said.
The United States is the world's biggest producer of biofuels, derived mostly from corn.
"Several questions have arisen on even the emissions implication of that route, and the fact that this has clearly raised prices of corn," said Pachauri, whose panel shared the Nobel prize with former US Vice President Al Gore last year.
Scientists say some kinds of biofuel generate as much carbon dioxide (CO2) as the fossil fuels they replace.
Supporters, however, say that biofuels are the only renewable alternative to fossil fuels and do generally result in greenhouse gas emission savings.
Pachauri, in Brussels for talks with European Union lawmakers, said it was crucial to look at other ways of producing biofuels, including investing strongly in research and development to convert cellulosic material into liquid fuels, as well as using agricultural residues.
EU leaders pledged last year to increase the share of biofuels used in transport, but concern that this is pushing up food prices has led the bloc to say it may reconsider its strategy.
Earlier this month EU leaders pledged to pass laws within 12 months to implement ambitious goals for combating climate change, including slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent by 2020 and increasing the share of renewable energy.
Pachauri commended the 27-nation bloc's efforts, saying it had taken a much needed leadership role on climate change.
Asked if countries applying strict emissions curbs to fight climate change should tax imports from countries which do not, Pachauri said he hoped this would not be necessary.
The outcome of a UN conference in Copenhagen next year meant to adopt a new climate change treaty would be instrumental in that regard, he said.

Reutersmgr 27/03/08 04-27NZ

Ciao G,
l'ho sempre detto. L'unica è risparmiare energia.
Anche quella dei pannelli solari mi sembra na bufala energetica. Tra produzione, trasporto, installazione e smaltimento quelle cose mi sa non hanno un bilancio CO2 positivo.
Meglio fare come me: Usarne poca.
Esempio l'auto: scelta sulla base del consumo (4,3litri, metà quasi della Prius che porta a spasso 500kg di batterie per nulla) e usata solo se devo. Ma devo sul serio.

On another note: conosci i TEDtalks? ti conviene.
Il link è questo: www.ted.com

Down under tutto ok?


I honor the place where your spirit and mine become one.

1 commento:

Luciano ha detto...

Gli ecologisti, a forza di preoccuparsi del CO2, perdono di vista l'essenziale:che e' assolutamente immorale utilizzare mais in luogo di sostanze fossili per creare energia quando milioni di esseri umani muoiono di fame e non per gli effetti del CO2 di cui ignorano l'esistenza. Di qyuesto concetto non trovo traccia.