
Patate? Israeliane!

PZ cerca di essere un'attento consumatore Il solito bla bla sul KM0, roba di stagione, etc. Però ogni tanto gliene scappa una: "Pizzoli, lo specialista italiano delle patate dal 1926" recita l'etichetta con tanto di tricolore. Sicuro, sono italiane anche le patate. Ma l'etichetta non recita "Pizzoli, lo specialista delle patate italiane dal 1926" Ed ecco che, ad andare a cercare attentamente, sulla busta si trova in carattere molto piccolo OR.ISRAELE. PZ semmai si sarebbe aspettato Germania (nazione patatara per eccellenza) invece no; delle esotiche patate mediorientali che a gustarle con attenzione un pò di pompelmo sanno. Un filino si sente anche la puzza delle tonnellate di nafta consumate per portarle fino in prov di Varese.


Monitor iMac e la Polvere

OK, nobody is perfect e neanche Apple lo è.
Il 27' di PZ la polvere l'aveva.
Ma "impossible is nothing" e allora...
Okkio: L'intervento richiede una buona dose di temerarietà

"Ok, guys.
My 27' underwent a dusty screen substitution just some 6month ago, care of the mothership.
The "new" screen got his dust some month ago.
So not trusting Apple or LG for that matter anymore and being an aggressive DIYever I started looking around and found that in fact the cleaning was possible.
Thanks OGGY for that.
As all surgery in the innards of a computer or electronics you take risks and I was ready to risk the live of my iMac.
To get to the bare LG screen is no big issue (except for detaching the cables connecting it the the innards: The assemblers must have small hands). iFixit shows you how to get there and getting rid of the brackets fixing the screen to the case was just a matter of patience since they are partially glued.
Now, the screen assembly is crap. Congrats to LG and Apple's quality control.
A lot of possibilities for dust to get between what looks like the LED backlight plate and the LCD itself.
I decided to get rid of all alu and other taping and redo it.
I found a suitable 5cm high 3m alu tape at Conrad.de for 17 euros (50m length)
Better have a buddy while managing the cleaning operation and disassembly as well as the rest of the operations since often you need a third or fourth hand to keep the screen vertical or holding the LCD part while you clean it.
The dust is relatively easy to get rid of both from the backplate and the LCD. Be careful to check carefully that the surfaces are really clean before putting the LCD back in place.
I retaped the whole covering the first 3mm of the LCD all around, paying attention to the edges and resealing all the backside where cable connections are and 3rd class plastic tape used OEM.
End of innovation/
Reassembly was easy (except for refitting the cables, since my hands are not the ones of a baby).

Special thanks to Luigi who motivated me to intervene and who lend his hand to get this done.
Without him it would have been a no-go.

Time: 3hous 30min (including the final testing and beer!)

Tools: some torx drivers, fingernails, a damp no fuss cloth and the alu tape.

The screen now is working and dustless. Hopefully also dustsealed!

PS: I follow a relatively large number of Mac buddies. !00% of those with a recent iMac have the dust prob."

Postato sullo thread @macrumors oggi.